Wednesday, March 15, 2006

hospital report

Back from the nirvana of Spandau. Now I've got my very own hospital story to tell! You might not be able to fathom how important this is BUT after 4 days of two old ladies on either side of my bed (me in the middle of it all) telling me their love, life, family AND hospital histories, having a story of your own is like having attained a membership to a very special club! Better than a TV soap. 24 hour entertainment and all for free! See, one of them was almost deaf, so whenever she got going the other one would not be able to make her opinions and - no doubt - highly significant stories heard and that would upset her a little bit. Little Inga caught in the middle would try to do her best as a talk master or mediator but it always ended (well, it never ended but that's another story...) with the other one exploding her unheard stories into my ears when the deaf lady eventually got distracted.

Anyway, I escaped the never-ending story last Friday and since then I'm experiencing the ups and downs of a life as a physically impaired Berliner. I don't really do much but what I do takes a LLLLLLOOOOOOOOONNNNG time. The simplest things suddenly become missions impossible. but don't worry: I will survive! It's only another 4 and a half months after all... no big deal! (I hope you noticed the underlying sarcasm in this statement... whinge!)

Ok, and now enjoy the photo of sick foot and healthy foot! (Please notice the pattern of my new couch! Nice, ey!). The other one shows me in my new surroundings: my sick corner including a physiotherapeutical device with which I can do physio for beginners without leaving the house!!!


Andi said...

ach Ingy Dingy! Du arme kleine Schatzi Katzi!! Aber mein Kochen für dich hat bestimmt geholfen, oder?! genau Leute, ich habe ein ganz tolles mexikanisches Essen für Inga gemacht! Aber gut, Aufmerksamkeit wieder auf Inga (natürlisch!) Die Maschine macht ganz lustige Geräusche muss man sagen! Und der Couch ist eigentlich nicht sooo schlimm wie man denken würde! (also schon ein bisschen Omi-mäßig aber das ist doch süß so!!) Ich umarme dich, Ingy! Bis Bald!

inga von k said...

Yeah Candy Andy,
hast mich super versorgt!!! hat super lecker geschmeckt (besonders auch meiner Schwester!!! Die ist grad eine Zehnköpfige Raupe, weil schwanger... hab meine Schwester noch nieeeeeee soooooooo vieeeeeeeel essen sehen...)
Ich fahre jetzt gleich nach Hamburg. Kuss i

SchnautzeJunge said...

Wenn Du Dir in Hamburg nicht gerade mal die Haare schneiden lässt, kannst Du ruhig mal bloggen.
Dein Leben ist spannend genug, und Du lernst ständig tolle Leute kennen. (Nicht soo toll wie die, mit denen Du die nächsten Tage in Berlin verbringen wirst, aber immerhin...)