Friday, January 18, 2008


this is my new mutterbrett:

the story goes as follows: being frustrated and all about my lot as an apple widow yesterday i surfed the net and found a fitting motherboard online. they wanted $429 for it, around €300. thennnnnnnnn i talked myself out of it. it worked until this afternoon when i had to think of my baby sitting in a cupboard in my room awaiting a better life in the apple afterworld. so i sent a message to this freelance apple emergency guy, who not only told me the motherboard was a good deal but also made me a good offer on the repair. i got really excited. understandably, don't you think!

anyway, off i went to chew everyone's ear off who wasn't up in a tree by three. then i called my parents, who weren't there, so i called my sister and got the financing under way.

but the best thing is still coming: i got back online and because you could negotiate the price i sent an offer. what do think i offered? instead of $429 plus $36 shipping costs??? i offered them $400... HEHEHEHEHEHOHOHOHOHOHIHIHIHIHIHAHAHAHAAAAAAAA plus shipping costs... HEHEHEHEHEHOHOHOHOHOHIHIHIHIHIHAHAHAHAAAAAAAA again!

so much for my bargaining talent. well, of course they accepted the offer (not that they needed to think about it a lot...). if i'm lucky enough it all works out fine and my baby is gonna live again. if not i'm gonna CRY. or get drunk or break my foot kicking a light pole on the street. whatever comes to mind first.

so, peoples, pray for me and my baby!!!

2 comments: said...

CONGRATULATIONS sweet aunt!!!!

animaldelmar said...

wonderful, baby! wir sehen uns heute abend!